Stay Ahead of Your Competitors with Apartment Competitor Analysis
New! Market Surveys are now updated weekly by trained researchers.
Understand your market position and maximize revenue with Smart’s weekly market survey tool. Reliable, actionable data collected by trained professionals empowers you to confidently analyze the competition.
Online, cloud based, market survey platform that gathers reliable and insightful market data to benchmark your properties performance and understand your position in the market and submarket.
Market Survey
Get an accurate visual analysis of the competition.
Smart is centered on accuracy and will only start gathering information for your report within 72 hours of delivery. We conduct regular audits for added measures.
We focus on easy-to-read graphs and charts, along with raw data.
Change comps, update delivery dates and distribution list.
"I prefer SMART over other products out there, the data provided helps my teams understand what is going on in their particular submarket...Read More
Weekly Refresh
Ensure you have the most up to date information, to help make critical business decisions.
Updates to your market survey will come directly from competitors as well as our trained researchers who will ensure the data is complete and consistent throughout.
Weekly reporting helps you identify potential risks and opportunities and respond immediately.
Week over week changes to the specials your competitors are offering.
"Smart saves me valuable time with their monthly call arounds and current operational data. I love how quick and responsive the Account...Read More
Stay informed
Friendly dashboards help you stay on top of trends in your market.
High-level analysis of the trends within a metro area – Rents, Occupancy, Concessions.
Detailed information about Proposed, Under Construction, and Pre-Leasing projects in your market.
Granular filters help you identify potential competitors you might be overlooking. Search by location, rents & occupancies, amenities, policies, and more.
"This is truly the most informative way to collect information at our fingertips, especially when our owners are asking for it immediately...Read More